Monday, February 13, 2012

Being Realistic with your Expectations in today's economy

I have been in the travel over 15 years with 14 of them owning my own agency. Being on the West Coast, I remember (may be telling my age on this one) that round trip airfares to Honolulu were $199. I wish they were that today as I wish that gasoline was still under a dollar a gallon, but I have to be realistic with my expectations in today's economy/market. I have clients constantly saying "last year" I paid $400 less-yes, I understand but we have to look at today's prices. Believe me I wish I could pull those "old" prices out of my hat. If you can be flexible on dates, the days of travel, I will do my best to get you a great vacation package. Please, remember that Christmas, Thanksgiving, the 1st week of August, the 3&4th week of June and the 3rd week of March are typically the busiest and most expensive dates to travel. The least expensive days to travel (typically) are Tuesday-Thursday. Gone are the last minute "great prices" unless you are close to cruise terminals, don't need the airfare and are not traveling on holidays. Remember, you take a vacation 1-2 times a year to get away for that much needed relaxation and rejuvenation, so don't skimp on your expectations.
Happy Traveling!!!

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